onsdag 30 mars 2011

Hurry, hurry,,

By the smallbird feeding everybody seems to be in a "hurry". To eat and gain power to get a new family and to raise new familymembers.... The squirrels are coming on and take all the food for the small birds. Saw 5 squirrels at one time, chasing each other.

They seemes to have managed quite well during the winter. When the low sun hits the fur you can see that it is in good condition. The low sunbeams makes the fur "burning"...
The Nuthatch seems to have gained a Santa Claus beard over the winter....:))..and the Woodpecker is eating the "fatballs" which is meant for the small birds....But it is quite nice to look at!

måndag 21 mars 2011

Kungsfiskare (Alcedo atthis),,

This colourful little bird has been staying over the winter not so far from the place where I live. I am greatful to my blogfriend Ingemar P, http://kungsfiskaren.blogspot.com/ , who showed me where to find the Kingfisher. Doing the feathers - must keep them in trim after the dives.....
It´s a skilful fisher, during two hours he (she) managed to catch 6-7 fishes and all of them very quickly diasappeard in the gap .....

Nice and colourful, a great (small) bird !!

måndag 14 mars 2011

Magic light,,

In the troll forest.....playing games with the light.... .......I thought I saw a glimpse of the small people....

söndag 6 mars 2011

Berguv - Eagle Owl,,

Absolutely incredible ! Last summer I happened to "run into" an Eagle Owl (See "Knallsensation" in the list to the right).
Yesterday the same thing happened again.... Took a walk in the beech forest, just because it was a very fine day. Brought the camera to take some landscape photos.....Suddenly my wife looked up and said: "Funny branch up there, what is that?".....I stoped and nearly fell on my back when I realise what I saw...!! No branch for sure!!
Wow, not again I thought, This is impossible. But it was true!

On the picture below this big bird is showing the claws! Don´t mess with me......!
I say thanks to Mother Nature for bringing such a good show in my way !