söndag 27 december 2020


December har inte bjudit på många soltimmar, men på julafton och juldagen blev det lite kallare och klarare och t.o.m. solen tittade fram. Två riktigt fina dagar fick vi njuta av. 

Bilden ovan bjuder på en "optisk illusion". Öarna längst ut mot horisonten "svävar" i luften.

Fiskaren var ute och prövade lyckan på juldagen....en fin dag i solskenet fick han i alla fall :)
Bilden ovan är det "normala" decembervädret :))

tisdag 15 december 2020

Not Rudolf....,,

.....just a roe deer mother with child,,

It has been a lovely sunny, rather chilly day. After a nice cup of coffee in the autumn sun in the afternoon the mist slowly rolls in,,

The mist and the ocher light which I love the most :))

And the sea was like a mirror.....with the mallards reflecting in the mirror....... 

tisdag 8 december 2020

Lighting part II,,

These four photos are taken on the same place but on different days. Totally different light and weather conditions. The first two, the ship is coming in, heavy blue skies makes the white bridge of the ship "stick out" against the dark blue.

The next day, the photo below, the ship is going out and we have completely different light......Now the sun is up and we have strong backlight.....

tisdag 1 december 2020


Grey November.....No, no way....wonderful light :))  !! 
 (click to enlarge)