tisdag 14 september 2021

The land of the red throated loon,, Smålommens rike,,

Smålom (Gavia Stellata), en fantastisk vacker fågel. En utflykt till Knuthöjdsmossen nu i augusti. Det var 10 år sedan sist så längtan efter att få besöka denna vackra plats igen var verkligen stor. Start tidigt på morgonen i god tid innan soluppgången. De första bilderna är tagna i mörker. Vi hörde lommarna hela tiden med sina karakteristiska "skrik".....och man ville verkligen vara på alla ställen samtidigt......

I den tidiga morgonen kunde vi så småningom urskilja några lommar som simmade omkring på den vidsträckta mossen. Dimman låg till en början tät.....

Så småningom sipprade morgonens första solstrålar ned genom träden och skapade en sakral stämning..

I det mjuka ockraljuset kunde man urskilja smålommen som simmade omkring i väntan på morgonens första flygtur.

Helt plötsligt bestämde sig nedanstående för att dra, som tur var, var jag på rätt plats här i motljuset.

När ljuset kommit såg man speglingarna i alla småsjöar som finns på mossen där smålommen häckar....och hur vacker denna plats är.....

Nedan följer flera bilder i olika ljus. Det blev en mycket lyckad utflykt till smålommens rike, Knuthöjdsmossen. Längtar redan till nästa tillfälle....men det får bli nästa år för nu har de flyttat till varmare trakter.....

47 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Lasse,
    Beautiful place, beautiful bird, beautiful photo's. Take care,

    1. Thanks Mike, it sure is a beautiful place !

  2. Åhh fantastiske naturbilder Lasse!Skriker den veldig den Storlomen?jeg har hørt de lager noen skumle lyder.Men vakkkert er det.Bra jobbet med fotograferingen.Fantastisk lys

    1. Tusen tack Anita ! Ja de "skriker" och "kacklar" och har en del ritualer för sig, bl.a. pardans och olika flygturer. Fascinerande att titta på !

  3. Great pictures of this beautiful place !

  4. Hoi Lasse.
    Mooie opnames met het vroege licht en die Roodkeelduikers zijn mooie vogels, heb ze op Spitsbergen gefotografeerd, ze hebben 'n bijzonder geluid in het voorjaar bij de balts.
    Groetjes Loes

    1. Hi Loes, I agree it's a beautiful bird and to photograph it on Spitsbergen must have been a great experience !

  5. It is an exceptionally exciting bird to experience, Lasse, especially in the breeding season when its plumage is so stunning. I have had a similar experience in Scotland, although I have none of the wonderful atmospheric photographs you show us here.

    1. Hi David, Many thanks for commenting, and glad you have had the same experience in Scotland. It's a special feeling to approach them in the darkness of the morning :)

  6. Hello Lasse,
    Very beautiful and atmospheric images. You did that very nicely. Great!!

    Greetings, Marco

    1. Hi Marco, Many thanks for your kind words !

  7. Precioso reportaje. Es impresionante ver como cambian las fotografías según va evolucionando la luz a lo largo del día. Un excelente trabajo.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

    1. Many thanks Antonio, Glad you liked my series of Loon photos (and nature as well) !

  8. Hi Lasse,
    You must be a very happy man, to experience this nature and beautiful Loon in front of you!! I can feel the silence.
    so beautiful light, colors and stunning flight movements of the Loon. Superbe!

    1. Hi Maria, I am a very happy man :) Glad you liked and felt the atmosphere of this magical morning !

  9. Hi Lasse,
    Long, long ago I have seen this kind of loom in Sweden during a very early morning, floating in a lake. Unfortunately not the same kind of sunrise as you experienced, but I enjoyed it anyway. I certainly can believe that you had a fantastic morning , seeing this bird in the slowly but surely changing scenery. A great series to remember this magical morning.
    Greetings, Kese

  10. Hi Lasse,
    Long, long ago I have seen this kind of loom in Sweden during a very early morning, floating in a lake. Unfortunately not the same kind of sunrise as you experienced, but I enjoyed it anyway. I certainly can believe that you had a fantastic morning , seeing this bird in the slowly but surely changing scenery. A great series to remember this magical morning.
    Greetings, Kees

    1. Hi Kees, Many many thanks for kind words. Glad you have had a similar experience!

  11. Hi Lasse, beautiful photos with beautiful birds. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Hi Caroline, Thanks very much for a nice comment!

  12. Oh, Lasse, such a wonderful report on your visit to these beautiful birds. From before subrise to the pictures of the bird in full sunlight. Marvelous to see the landscape changing - so beautiful. Also fantastic: the pictures of the running birds.
    I enjoyed this post tremendously.

    Best regards, Corrie

    1. Hi Corrie, Oh I'm very glad over your kind comment and that you enjoyed my post !

  13. Hello Lasse
    To know such a place and then to be there early enough and in peace, that is pure enjoyment of nature, if still such beautiful pictures are taken, it is a perfect day where it was worth getting up early, great pictures, great post
    Greetings Frank

    1. Hi Frank, Yes it sure was worth it to get up early and it was an enjoyable moment. Many thanks Frank for kind comment !

  14. History of the fort. (you can translate)
    De geschiedenis van Fort Sabina
    Hieronder is kort samengevat welke gebeurtenissen er hebben plaatsgevonden met betrekking tot Fort Sabina

    1789-1815 Napoleontische oorlogen
    1789-1815: Franse revolutie / Napoleontische oorlogen
    1811: Bouw Fort de Ruijter in opdracht van Napoleon

    1830-1839 Omwenteling
    1830-1839: Belgische revolutie/Omwenteling
    1881: Uitbreiding Fort de Ruijter

    1940-1945 Wereldoorlog II
    1939-1940: Mobilisatie
    1944-1945: Het einde van de tweede wereldoorlog: De strijd om de Westhoek & Bevrijding
    Schuilen op Fort Sabina (deel1): Waarom schuilden mensen in november 1944 op Fort Sabina?
    Schuilen op Fort Sabina (deel2): Verhalen en portretten van mensen op het Fort hebben geschuild tijdens de Watersnoodramp in 1953
    Bron website Fort Sabina

    1. Many thanks Caroline for these summery about your interesting post !

  15. Härliga bilder, Lasse !
    / Deerhunter

  16. Beautiful place! Great pictures!

  17. Hi Lasse,
    Such beautiful photos, such beautiful morning colors.
    You can already see that autumn is coming.
    I enjoyed your photos.
    Greetings Irma

  18. Stilig bildeserie av en vakker fugl.
    Magiske stemninger!

  19. Hoi Lasse,

    Wat een prachtige sfeerbeelden weer met de roodkeelduiker in de hoofdrol. Ik heb deze schitterende vogel hier nog nooit gezien evenmin als de parelduiker. Je hebt hem zowel in de mooie mistige sfeer als ook lekker scherp op het meer en zelfs in de vlucht. Mooi werk.


    1. Hi Ad, Many thanks and I'm glad you liked my photos :)

  20. Hello Lasse,:=)

    Magical atmospheric captures, showing the Loon in different lighting. Worth getting up early for these beautiful images. The reflections in the water even add more interest to your fine Photos.:=)

  21. Hello lasse,
    Wow, perfect pictures!
    Regards Bert

  22. Wonderful that you saw and heard the red-throated loon. we have a different sort of loon here. I love hearing their calls.

    1. Thanks Tammie! Yes it is a special call indeed.

  23. Hi Lasse,
    fog when photographing often gives very atmospheric pictures. Likewise here with you. However, I think the golden light is really beautiful to see. Just great!
    Regards, Helma
