These photos are taken a late evening in October. High ISO so it seems brighter than it was.......
So How Dark Is It?
Since I've mentioned a few times now how dark it is in Sweden in December, I
thought I should let you know just how dark it really is there.
So I Google...
1 timme sedan
Hi Lasse,
SvaraRaderaWhat beautiful pictures of the moose these are.
Greetings Irma
MKoose on the run! I like the autumn colours in the background.
SvaraRaderaWishing you a beautiful month of December, Lasse!
Bonitas imágenes, Lass.
Vakkre stemningsfulle bilder fra deg!
SvaraRaderaA moose is an awesome animal.
SvaraRaderaHoi Lasse.
SvaraRaderaMooi om deze Elanden voor je lens te krijgen .
Groetjes Loes
Hi Lasse,
SvaraRaderaTypical for Scandinavia. Great to see the elks running in the fields. You know of course that in the autumn drivers must be very careful when the rut season is going on. Elks can cross the streets without paying attention to the traffic. They are absolutely impressive animals.
Greetings, Kees
Hello Lasse
SvaraRaderawith such a motif you simply have to give everything to get a picture, weak and bad light accompanies us all but you still managed it very well
Greetings Frank
Good morning everyone and many thanks for your comments and feedback !
SvaraRaderaI have not been so active on blogger lately, I'm sorry for that, but since it is
difficult to make comments on other blogs I have "stepped back" a little :)
Not been out with the camera so often either so it has become "natural" to step back.
All the best to all of you bloggfriends !
Hallo Lasse,
SvaraRaderaWat een indrukwekkende beesten die elanden. Ik dacht altijd dat het al bijzonder was als je er in Skandinavie eentje te zien kreeg, maar jij spotte en fotografeerde er hier zowaar drie. Prachtige waarneming en foto's.
Alltid gøy å se bilder av den mektige elgen. Fine bilder!
Hi Lasse,
SvaraRaderaFantastic shots!