Dessa bilder är tagna vid kusten där jag bor, på kvällen under den ljusa svenska sommaren. Bilderna är inte tagna vid samma tillfälle, utan är ett kollage av bilder från de senaste somrarna.
Hoy quiero hacer desde aquí una recomendación para que los que queráis y sí
os apetece, os paséis por el blog de mi querido amigo Juan Rivas
25 sekunder sedan
Hello Lasse
SvaraRaderathese are colors to dream about, sit down and enjoy...
Greetings Frank
Hi Frank, Many thanks ;) Summer nights could be really wonderful.
SvaraRaderaGreetings Lasse
What beautiful pictures of the summer evenings these are Lasse.
SvaraRaderaThe colors are really fantastic.
Greetings Irma
Hi Irma, Thanks for feedback ;)
SvaraRaderaGreetings Lasse
Beautiful blog
SvaraRaderaThanks Rajani !
SvaraRaderaPlease read my post
SvaraRaderaPreciosas fotografias de las noches de verano de tu país. Por estas latitudes se pone el sol mucho antes. El colorido es impresionante, Lasse.
SvaraRaderaUn abrazo.
Hugs and many thanks for commenting Antonio.
SvaraRaderaYes, we have late sunsets in the summertime, and early rises as well.
But now the days becomes shorter and shorter again.
Unas fotos espectaculares del atardecer, me han gustado mucho todas. Enhorabuena Lasse, un fuerte abrazo desde el norte de España.
SvaraRaderaHello Germán, and a big hug from me up here in Sweden. Many thanks for commenting, I'm glad you liked the Swedish summer pics ;)
SvaraRaderaHello Lasse, summers in Sweden seem great to me. With that never going down of the sun. A wonderful opertunaty to make these wonderful photos. Enjoy your Summer!
Hi Roos,
SvaraRaderaMany thanks for stoping here and a nice comment. Yes we enjoy the summer which is not so long, but personally I enjoy the autumn very much as well with nice morning photos in the morning mist.
Greetings Lasse
Hi Lasse,
SvaraRaderaThese pictures show the beautiful colourful atmosphere of a sunny Scandinavian night. I have seen it many times but it will never be boring.
Greetings, Kees
Hi Kees, many thanks for stoping by and commenting. Yes the Scandinavian summer nights are "special".
SvaraRaderaWe enjoy it while it lasts, but it is not so very long. But as I sad above, I enjoy the autumn misty mornings very much as well !
Awesome serie !🙂
SvaraRaderaThanks very much !
SvaraRaderaBeautifull, great serie !
Good morning Bert, Many thanks for your comment !
SvaraRaderaBeautiful sunset Lasse. Have a nice day.
SvaraRaderaHoi Lasse
SvaraRaderaWat 'n schitterende opnames.
Groetjes Loes
Good morning Caroline, and Loes;
SvaraRaderaMany thanks for your comments. I wish you a wonderful day and week ahead.
Hej Lasse,
SvaraRaderavacker kvällssol!!Färgen som eld. Skön !
Fin detalj personerna på bilden.
Hälsningar, Maria
Hej Maria,
SvaraRaderaTusen tack för kommentarerna !
Hälsningar Lasse
Hallo Lasse,
SvaraRaderaPrachtig licht had je daar tijdens die Zweedse zomeravonden. Hele mooie silhouetten heb je daarbij gefotografeerd.
Hello Ad,
SvaraRaderaYes the swedish summers evenings could be very beautiful. I have
collected a few samples here. Many thanks for nice comment!
Hi Lasse,
SvaraRaderatruly a beautiful and sun-drenched series. Wonderful to see and wonderfully photographed. Here in the Netherlands we only have rain, rain and more rain. In a day or four it would finally be summer again.
Regards, Helma
Hi Helma, Oh I hope the sun will come soon to you. It rains here too for the moment as I write this but I hope the summer comes back. Many thanks for your comment Helma,
SvaraRaderaGreetings Lasse
Esas puestas de sol, son maravillosas.
SvaraRaderaNo he podido dejar pasar por alto, estas bellas imágenes.
Un abrazo
Many thanks and a hug,