Nu börjar en spännande tid. Under tidiga morgnar och sena kvällar kommer storviltet fram från skogarna för att beta av åkrarnas och ängarnas frodiga bete. Igår kväll hade tre stora fin älgtjurar samlats på en liten yta. Tacksamt för en naturfotograf ! :) Här kommer några bilder.....
Hoy quiero hacer desde aquí una recomendación para que los que queráis y sí
os apetece, os paséis por el blog de mi querido amigo Juan Rivas
1 minut sedan
Hello Lasse
SvaraRaderaSince the heart of the photographer beats twice as fast, impressive animals very nicely photographed.
Greetings Frank
Good morning Frank,
SvaraRaderaYes the hart beats "extra" when you see these great big animals. And if it comes to three at the same time it is something special ;) At least here in my home area.
Many thanks Frank,
Greetings Lasse
Hi Lasse,
SvaraRaderaThese are beautiful pictures of these impressive animals.
Greetings Irma
Hi Irma, Many thanks for your nice comment.
SvaraRaderaGreetings Lasse
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaEsa es la caza que a mi me gusta, la fotográfica. Que belleza de animales.
SvaraRaderaUn abrazo.
So right Antonio, that's the kind of hunt I also like....hunting with the camera !
SvaraRaderaThanks for commenting,
Cazar a cierta distancia, por si hay peligro alguno de ser atacado.
Thanks for visit and comment. Yes, keep up the distance and don't get too close. This pictures were taken at quite a distance!
SvaraRaderaThat's a mighty beast compared to our native deer.
SvaraRaderaHoi Lasse.
SvaraRaderaVind het 'n mooie soort omdat ze zo kolossaal zijn, ben 'n paar jaar terug met 3 vogelvrienden naar Finland geweest daar hebben we ze ook gezien. Mooie opnames.
Groetjes Loes
Good morning,
SvaraRaderaThanks to Phil and Loes for new comments.
Loes: They are really big and these three were together at the same place
which is not so often here where I live.
Greetings Lasse
Hello Lasse, these are amazing and impresive animals and wonderful you was able to take photos of it.
Good morning Roos,
SvaraRaderaThey sure are, many thanks for your comment.
Greetings Lasse
Hi Lasse,
SvaraRaderaElks belong to Scandinavia and Finland. It always feels great to see them. Unfortunately I have not seen them for many years, except for in a wild reserve in the Netherlands. I can imagine you were excited to see them
Greetings, Kees
Hi Kees, Yes I was, it was very near my home ca 2 km from my house.
SvaraRaderaIt is not so often here that you see 3 so relatively big males in a group.
Hoping for more elk pictures out of the autumn mornings ;))
Greetings Lasse
Hej Lasse,
SvaraRaderatre stora álgtjurar.....Fantastisk!!!
I have never seen elks in real life and you were so lucky to be in the right place at the right time and photograph these interesting animals, Lasse. These are great moments!
SvaraRaderaGreetings from Utah.
Hi Kaya, Many thanks for visit and comment.
SvaraRaderaYou are right I was very lucky to be at the right place ;)
Greetings Lasse
Hej Maria,
SvaraRaderaTusen tack, ja det var en "extraordinär" händelse ;))
Hallo Lasse,
SvaraRaderaBijzonder zeg, ik denk dat 1 eland al heel bijzonder is, maar als je er dan drie kunt vereeuwigen op een plaat is dat super. Ik denk dat veel Nederlandse natuurfotografen als ze een zo'n kolos zouden kunnen fotograferen.
Hi Lasse, I like mister Moose, in Lille Vildmose in Denmark they are living there too but I didn't see them. Have a nice week.
SvaraRaderaHi Ad, Yes I agree 3 in the same place is really something special. Welcome to wildlife Sweden ;))
SvaraRaderaHi Caroline, Sorry that you didn't watched them in Denmark. You'll have to come to Sweden ;))
Greetings Lasse
Underbart natur foto
SvaraRaderaäven kul för mig att se älg igen det var längeseden jag fick se älg här hemma
Tusen tack Mikael !